
Over the years many UCLA alumni have come and gone from the TeamXHealth program. This page is dedicated to our past members and it is our mission to keep the growth of our organization increasing today.

2020-2021 Alumni

Dilagsayini Mylvaganam

Leadership Role: President (2019-2021), Finance Officer (2020-2021), Logistics Officer (2018-2019)

Major/Minor: Biology

Hobbies/Interests: Playing the guitar, hiking, exploring new places, cooking/baking

What They’re Currently Doing: Taking a gap and applying to medical school

Sophia Reyes

Leadership Role: Technology Officer (2019-2021)

Major/Minor: Marine Biology, Spanish Minor

Hobbies/Interests: Book collecting, watching anime, drawing, trying new foods

What They’re Currently Doing: Taking a gap year and applying to graduate school for Library and Information Science

2019-2020 Alumni

Justin Bueno

Leadership Role: Co-President (2019-2020)

Major/Minor: Biology

Hobbies/Interests:Video games and art

What they’re currently doing: Scientific writing

Sarah Hong

Leadership Role: Co-President (2019-2020)

Major/Minor: MCDB/Biomedical Research

Hobbies/Interests: Playing piano, running, rock climbing and bouldering, dogs

What they’re currently doing: Taking a gap year, working in a startup

Aaron Chan

Leadership Role: Head of Technology (2019-2020)

Major/Minor: Biochemistry

Hobbies/Interests:Olympic weightlifting, Yu-Gi-Oh, League of Legends, palliative care

What they’re currently doing: Taking a gap year

Nadine Lin

Leadership Role: Head of Finance



What they’re currently doing:

Anne Deffebach

Leadership Role: N/A

Major/Minor:MCDB/Society and Genetics

Hobbies/Interests: Going to the beach, cooking, hiking

What they’re currently doing: Scribing and healthcare consulting. Planning to apply to medical school in 2021

2015-2016 Alumni

Raquel Ribeiro

Major/Minor: Biology

Hobbies/Interests:Learning about nature, camping and backpacking, learning new skills, being creative and innovative, and doing or creating something that will help others.

What they’re currently doing: Peer Mentor at Center for Community College Partnerships at UCLA

Pal Shah

Major/Minor:Physiological Sciences

Hobbies/Interests:Global health,reading,traveling,dancing and photography

What they’re currently doing: Medical student at Duke-NUS Medical School

Megha Pokhriyal

Major/Minor: Psychobiology

Hobbies/Interests: Hiking and drawing

What they’re currently doing: Internal Medicine – Geriatrics Residency at Eastern Virginia Medical School

Anna Shvartsur

Major/Minor:Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular Genetics

Hobbies/Interests: Swimming, lifeguarding, teaching kids how to swim, beach & indoor volleyball, hiking, animals, my rabbit Rory, drug outreach & education, integrative medicine, amateur art, dessert

What they’re currently doing: Resident physician at Kaiser Permanente Oakland

Jalynn Zou



What they’re currently doing:

Samantha Chan

Major/Minor: Biology

Hobbies/Interests: Swimming/exercising, watching movies, hanging out with friends, exploring LA, eating at new food places

What they’re currently doing: Associate Consultant at Kaiser Permanente